The ILR Winter Driving Course is the most advanced driver training system in North America. We designed this course for ALL drivers and will take you well beyond the defensive driver training offered by other courses – to the highest level of safe driving – Pro-Active© Driving.
Learn skills that will keep you safe in limited traction conditions. We will teach you to drive safely on ice & snow.
The full day course (8am to 4pm) consists of morning classroom sessions followed by an afternoon of driving exercises designed to allow each student to put into practice new information introduced in the classroom.
The Classroom Session will dispel many myths and misconceptions regarding winter driving technique as well as vehicle knowledge, the best tires for you and maintenance. Utilizing our unique Pro-Active© Driving methodology we will explore the correct use of all the controls, mirror positioning, vision training, information processing, and driver psychology. We will teach you the secrets of how to prepare for winter driving and how to read road conditions. You will learn not only how to avoid skids, but also how to recover from one – in your own vehicle. We will also explain ABS brakes, Automatic Traction Control, emergency braking, tire grip limits, skid recovery and much more in these friendly classroom sessions.
NOTE: All driving exercises are done on solid ground – not a lake.
Cost – $495 plus HST, includes fully catered lunch, handbook, pen, certificate, in-car instructors